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Teachers aim to provide mathematical experiences that are interesting, useful and purposeful for all students in the class. In addition, tasks are selected which are challenging and require students to take risks and deal with unfamiliar situations. Learning has a better chance of becoming embedded when students are allowed to build upon previous knowledge and experience. The use of concrete materials provides a strong foundation to develop and consolidate abstract concepts. In order to develop higher order thinking, Mathematics needs to be communicated and students are encouraged to discuss their work and their thought processes as they work towards a solution. Opportunities are given for students to work in groups and pairs as well as individually.

The curriculum is divided into the following AusVELS dimensions:

  • Number and Algebra

  • Statistics and Probability

  • Measurement and Geometr

AusVELS dimensions from the following domains are also assessed and reported on:

  • Interpersonal Development

  • Personal Learning

  • Communication

  • Thinking Processes



Students participate in International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) Mathematics, a series of 35 multiple choice questions and 5 free response questions, held in the middle of the year. Students are also encouraged to enter other competitions such as the Challenge Stage of the Mathematics Challenge for Young Australians (MCYA), a set of six challenging questions to be completed over a three week period at various times of the year. Year 7 and Year 9 students also complete the federal National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests.



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