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The curriculum in Years 7–10 is designed to meet the needs of students seeking an education focused on academic success. The curriculum is based on the Victorian Curriculum Foundation to 10. Within individual classrooms there is an emphasis on differentiation to meet the individual needs of students so all can achieve their optimum levels of success. For students completing the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), Vocational Major (VCE-VM) or Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) we offer a broad selection of subjects and have links to institutions offering Vocational Education and Training (VET) subjects.




In Years 7–9, students study a core curriculum with subjects chosen from each of the eight Key Learning Areas (KLAs).  
In Year 9 they undertake electives in Arts, Technology and Sport subjects.

In Year 10, students continue their core study areas and choose further electives. Selected students are also able to study a VCE subject, based on the selection criteria and availability.

All students have the opportunity to participate in this program.



Colac Secondary College offers both the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), Vocation Major (VCE-VM) and the Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC).

Students and families are provided with information and counselling to assist them choose a program that fulfils the following criteria;

  1. subjects selected are compatible with the student’s abilities and interests

  2. the program includes subjects that meet prerequisite requirements for any intended Tertiary studies 

Students choosing a VCE pathway may also consider the possibility of including a Vocational Education & Training (VET) or School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship (SBAT) in their program.

Students choosing a VCE-VM program must complete a VET subject or SBAT in their program.


This process ensures that each student’s employment opportunities and tertiary/further education options are maximised.

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