In contemporary Australian society there are a range of businesses managed by people who establish systems and processes to achieve a variety of objectives. These systems and processes are often drawn from historical experience and management theories designed to optimise the likelihood of achieving success.
In studying VCE Business Management, students develop knowledge and skills that enhance their confidence and ability to participate effectively as socially responsible and ethical members, managers and leaders of the business community, and as informed citizens, consumers and investors. The study of Business Management leads to opportunities across all facets of the business and management field such as small business owner, project manager, human resource manager, operations manager or executive manager. Further study can lead to specialisation in areas such as marketing, public relations and event management.
This study enables students to:
understand and apply business concepts, principles and terminology
understand the complex and changing environments within which businesses operate
understand the relationships that exist between a business and its stakeholders
recognise the contribution and significance of business within local, national and global
analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of management strategies in different contexts
propose strategies to solve business problems and take advantage of business opportunities.
The study is made up of four units.
Unit 1: Planning a business
Unit 2: Establishing a business
Unit 3: Managing a business
Unit 4: Transforming a business