School-based Apprenticeships & Traineeships
A School-based Apprenticeship and Traineeship combines: part-time, practical experience in the workplace, and recognised, structured training with a Registered Training Organisation and school studies.
School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships are open to students 15 years of age or over. Year 10 students can start an SBA in semester two of their Year 10 program.
To complete a School-based Apprenticeships or Traineeships in Victoria, the student must be enrolled in Years 10, 11 or 12.
The student must:
Have a training contract that includes a nationally recognised qualification and duration of training to be undertaken. This contract must be registered with Skills Victoria
Have a training plan and be signed with an RTO within two months of commencement of the School- based Apprenticeship and Traineeship
Undertake training over two years at an average of 13 hours per week for employment and training per week. This 13 hours should be divided into at least seven hours of employment and six hours of training per week which may be averaged over three periods of four months in each year of the program and spend at least one timetabled day during the normal school week on the job or in training.
The school must:
Endorse the training plan for a school-based apprentice or trainee when it forms an integral part of the student's school learning program and study timetable. It must be verified that during term time, a student's timetable indicates that a minimum of one day of the school week during normal school is spent in employment and/or structured training as an apprentice or trainee
Sign the student's Training Plan to acknowledge that the student is enrolled in a senior secondary program.
Endorse the training plan for a School-based Apprentice or trainee if the above criteria have been met. Endorsement of the training plan by the school will indicate that it is undertaking responsibility to enroll the student on VASS so that credit for the training within the VCE or VCAL can be awarded to the student.
School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships in the following industry areas have been approved by industry bodies and the VCAA for students undertaking the VCE and VCAL:
Business Community
Food Processing
Information Technology
Sport and Recreation