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The aim of the Year 9 Learning Community Program is to provide opportunities for all students to be actively engaged in their learning, to promote student wellbeing, responsibility and to provide a variety of curriculum-based opportunities that enable students to maximise their learning outcomes.
We do this with:


Relevant learning by developing the ability to be inquiring, creative and reflective thinkers who have the flexibility and adaptability to become responsible and productive members of the Year 9 Learning Community.


Positive relationships with a team of teachers dedicated to working with students in the ‘Careers, Community and Connections’ to meet pastoral care needs and maximise the wellbeing of students.


Choice in learning with an elective program catering for a wide variety of student needs and interests.


Community involvement by participating in community projects based on student interest; visits to business and industries to learn about employability skills along with career and post secondary educational opportunities both locally and beyond.


Personal challenges using teaching and learning approaches that take students out of the classroom to provide opportunities to extend skills using a range of approaches for setting and attaining personal goals.




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