The philosophy of the English Faculty is to work towards making students lifelong readers and competent writers who speak with conviction and passion on issues raised in texts and in society. Critical literacy and visual literacy are also developed through the study of English. The English Faculty is characterised by its innovative programs and staff are committed to developing our curriculum in a way that increases engagement but maintains rigour.
Literature Circles (Years 7–9)
Debating (Years 7–10)
Celebrating writers
Independent reading projects
An exciting English Enrichment Program that brings storytellers and authors to inspire and motivate all students in Years 7–10 to become writers and readers
Theatre excursions to Melbourne Theatre Company
Literature excursions to watch a Shakespeare play in the Royal Botanic Gardens
VCE revision lectures to prepare students for English and Literature exams
Corrective Reading Program
A focus on explicitly teaching writing and grammar skills using context and explicit instruction
A range of internal and external competitions to encourage students’ writing in different forms
English teachers provide a comprehensive picture of your child’s progress in the key skills using progression points. In addition, parents are provided with National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) data at Year 7 and Year 9. Reporting occurs via 6-weekly Learning Tasks that comprise summative and formative assessments on skills in writing, reading, speaking and listening.